“Pura Vida” Makes a Difference

Foto:  Pura Vida ClassThe ministry we call ” Pura Vida” continues to have an impact on the health and well being of the people who listen to the Pura Vida radio program and on those who attend the classes.  Jeff and I have both been sharing in the class, and we continue to have people stop by the house because they have questions about health and nutrition.  In the class we share the importance of taking responsability for our health.  We emphasize the importance of eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Loja, Ecuador, is an ideal place to share this message, because we have so many fruits and veggies available year round.  Soon I, Terri, will have the opportunity to participate in a radio program on a secular station and possibly even a local television program.  We are grateful for all these opportunities, and often we are surprised that people are willing to talk not only about their physical health, but about their spiritual health as well.

On February 1st, a young woman who had heard about Pura Vida on the radio came by to talk.  She explained that her mother had cancer, and that she, too, had several health problems.  She also shared that she had been a victim of incest as a child and how that had been the beginning of many problems in her life.  What a great opportunity to talk about the great physician and how He can transform our lives and our health.  Maybe you’ve never stopped to think about how our mental and emotional state affect on our body’s ability to fight sickness.  And, obviously, our physical condition can affect our emotional and mental outlook.  It is a joy to know that the God who formed us and knows us perfectly is ready and willing to meet our needs and offer healing for our bodies, minds and hearts.

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